EyeBlinkPress was not started to comment about political issues. We stated that we are here to observe the human experience in its myriad of presentations. Then we published the recent narrative from a Flea Market vendor who pondered on mankind's health as a reason we humans are on earth. He said that humans exist to get healthy. Then when that is accomplished we will discover what our purpose here on earth may be. So that aspect, we think, qualifies in the "myriad" of human experiences: the general health of the human being.
Makes sense! Perhaps since the dawn of time we humans always have been struggling to find out just what a PERFECTLY HEALTHY body is anyway.
We are getting closer and closer to that realization, even as new diseases and traumas pop up their heads daily to challenge our resolve to get as healthy as can be. (stats later in a separate article)
Lately, people who reside in the USA and are covered or uncovered by health insurance plans have had their lives instantly altered because they are trying to shop online for a new health care policy that will cost less, cover more physical dilemmas, and will give them access to competent physicians, nurses, and health care staff.
While sorting all of these plans out, perhaps many of us , stuck in a "no health care plan available limbo" are starting to think,"hey!!!, if we get healthy we don't need any old insurance plan, except for occasions where we fall and break something, get run over by a bus, or fall out of an elevator".
For all other physical or mental problems we might want to call on Pappa Government first, to ask "him" to find the root causes of these problems instead of trying to promote health insurance as if plans will cure us.Second, why not change the curriculum of medical schools to require that each medical student come to learn how nutrition can change a person's health, how a genetics test can forecast potential problems and how they, as practicing physicians should instruct each patient that self help is possible without the use of drugs!!! And then instruct them on how to spot potential mental health issues when interviewing a patient, and get them immediate help if so spotted, no matter if you are doctor, doctor's assistant, nurse, lab tech or dietician. All must be involved(not to exclude parents, teachers, friends, family) in solving or resolving physical and mental health issues.
At the same time, Papa government could serve its taxpayers well by counseling the listening and viewing public via public service announcements that inform the audience that education is the best basis for good health, that having too many babies puts stress on the health care system, and that no taxpayer should be asked to foot the bill for humans who ignore warnings about smoking, overeating, lack of exercise as causes of illness.
We, as cliche' as this may sound, are all in this together. We are each other's keeper. I yearn to be as brave as my hubby, who will walk up to a smoker and say "are you sure you want to do that?' "do you have a child whom you hope to see graduate from college?" This actually works. He has people who find him and thank him for his concern and tell him they have stopped smoking or are watching their diet.
Perhaps, now, while the Affordable Health Care Act is in a bit of trouble in its implementation, everybody can pause to reflect on just why it is that we have so many sick people in the United States in the first place. Yes, let's think about the "why";the reasons we are so sick.
Then,let's find out the "what" and "who" is making us sick. THEN, and only then, can we work on the "HOW" to make us healthier, as the Flea Market Vendor believes is our first goal in this life.
Health insurance is just a crutch, a tool to help us walk until we can run again. We wish we didn't have to use crutches. We do everything we can to avoid crutches, drugs, hospital stays, toxic environments, negligent people who injure accidentally, viruses, bacteria, rare diseases. Good health is a goal and a challenge in the difficult world we were born into. We want to walk and run on our own.
We worry that the medical industrial pharmaceutical complex sees us as a number, an income stream, a research animal. We are waking up. Our eyes are wide open lately. We are coming to understand that we need to harness our health. Guard it! Learn how to get healthy and stay healthy.
Thank the inventors of this world wide web. With its access to information, more and more of us are educating ourselves, bringing our knowledge to doctors and medical personnel and saying "what do you think about this cure, this food, this exercise, this treatment?" Some thank us; some roll their eyes. But we have loins of steel and can take their effrontery as we know how to cross reference and challenge, even educate our caregivers.
We are getting so smart. As the Flea Market Vendor predicted: we are getting healthier and are well on our way to finding our real purpose on this good, albeit complex and complicated, earth.